Do you know online tools such as internet-based interventions help to reduce infant and toddler sleep disturbances, is that too good to be true? A study published in the Journal SLEEP used Johnson & Johnson’s Customized Sleep Profile, and an online program uses an algorithm that compares a child’s sleep to another of the same age based on the child’s sleep habits such as position, sleep environment, bedtime routine, and times awoke per night, and generates customized recommendations based on classification of excellent, good or disrupted sleeper. 264 mothers were randomly assigned to an internet intervention group or a control group, and 50% reported a decrease in the number and duration of night waking, the children took less time to fall asleep, and a longer total sleep time at night. Parents slept better as a result and had less tension, depression, fatigue and confusion. Although further studies are needed to conclude its effectiveness, the customized profile or similar internet interventions available online may be a good place to start if your child’s sleep is disrupted to gain useful advice.
30% of infants and toddlers have disrupted sleep which is a common sleep problem, and some young children have a form of sleep apnea that would require treatment. If you suspect that your child’s sleep problem is or might be serious, skip the internet intervention, it is important to consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis early and the underlying issue of the cause, it is important to consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis early and the underlying issue of cause of sleep apnea. Depending
on your financial situation and sleep apnea condition, the doctor will work through with you the type of sleep apnea test in the comfort of your home or an in-lab sleep test to determine the precise nature of your condition to avoid any long-term issues. Besides most insurance companies now pay for sleep testing and CPAP OSA treatment, early intervention with a sleep apnea device can stop snoring or one can a sleep apnea CPAP trial from the equipment supplier or distributor that distributes a range of sleep apnea machines and CPAP supplies for a better quality of sleep and healthier overall well-being.
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