Pets are susceptible and can suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), is that possible? Does continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy help to treat your little furry friends’ symptoms? It is possible for pets to develop sleep apnea over time either on its own or as a result of other medical issues or due to the prescription drugs it is on. More commonly snoring is noticed first and followed by gasping or choking while asleep, or even experiencing tiredness and irritability than usual in the day that is similar to symptoms shown in humans. However, sleep apnea is more deadly in animals in the short term like sudden death as compared to the rise in the risk of secondary cause death in humans.
If your four-legged friend like has allergies or obesity like an English bulldog or a short nose like terriers, it is at greater risk for sleep apnea as it makes breathing difficult, it may stop breathing temporarily causing their bodies to jolt them awake to take a breath and this constant nighttime arousal results in sleep deprivation and both short and long term health risks just like us. Although CPAP is not a treatment option right now for dogs, veterinarians suggest a diet for overweight dogs, prescription drugs, or surgery if the obstructions are caused by malformed nostrils or airways. On the other hand, cats are more fortunate as a 2011 first and only study has shown success in cats with OSA treated with CPAP therapy. Cats have OSA due to being overweight and obese like Persian cats
due to their short muzzles and breathing problems causing snoring. Nonetheless, more studies need to be done to conclude if CPAP can effectively treat animal OSA but it is important to note that animals can have other sleep disorders like narcolepsy, insomnia, and periodic limb movement that can be equally harmful effects on their sleep similar to humans. Hence it is paramount to consult the vet if you suspect it may have sleep apnea or any sleep issues.
If you suspect that you might be at risk or have sleep apnea, it is important to consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis early and the underlying issue of the cause of sleep apnea. Depending on your financial situation and sleep apnea condition, the doctor will work through with you the type of sleep apnea test in the comfort of your home or an in-lab sleep test to determine the precise nature of your condition to avoid any long-term issues. Besides most insurance companies now pay for sleep testing and CPAP treatment, early intervention with a sleep apnea device can stop snoring or one can a sleep apnea CPAP trial from the equipment supplier or distributor that distributes a range of sleep apnea machine for a better quality of sleep and healthier overall well-being.
The Air Station